Walking is something most of us do every day. There’s nothing like a nice brisk walk to clear the head and get the heart rate pumping. But did you know that there are many hidden benefits to walking. Our musculoskeletal system benefits hugely. Below we talk about some of these benefits and the last one will surprise you!

Your Joint Flexibility Improves
As you walk, the joints in your legs move through their full range of motion, which helps improve joint flexibility and reduce the risk of stiffness and pain.

You can reduce joint pain and stiffness
This is particularly the case for people with arthritis

You build up your muscle strength
Walking regularly helps build muscle strength and endurance in the legs, as well as the glutes and core muscles.

You reduce your risk of osteoporosis
Walking is a weight-bearing exercise, which means it helps build bone density and reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

You can improve your posture

Walking can help improve posture by strengthening the muscles that support the spine and improve alignment. Remember having great posture is also great for building self confidence and finally, the surprising one!
It reduces your risk of falling
Walking helps improve balance and coordination, which can reduce the risk of falls and related injuries.
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