There’s a new injury on the block – called “Gamer’s Thumb”. It’s affecting millions of people worldwide, and with the new era of Professional Gaming, a lot of money can depend on it!

In This Article:

Pack for gamer's thumb pain treatment
Gamer’s Thumb Kit
£ 59.99
  • EUR: € 69.99
  • USD: $ 79.99

Too Many Hours Of Gaming Causes Gamer’s Thumb

… to be blunt about it!

All kids do it, and are at risk of developing a repetitive strain injury (Tenosynovitis). Inflammation of the tendons in the hand results from too many repeated movements from the joypads. A gamers thumb!

Gamer's Thumb Brace To Restrict Thumb Movement
Each Kit Contains A Thumb Brace

How Many Gamers Are There?

Most estimates place the number of gamers around the world at over 3 billion. It’s a massive, massive industry – bigger than all other media (like films and television together). It’s a particularly common pastime among younger people.

When recently chatting to a patient of mine, she mentioned that her 14 year old son spends most of his free time online gaming. Yet, for the past two months he has been complaining that his hands are sore, and he has a lot of Thumb Pain. So what’s happening?

What Is Gamer’s Thumb

Gamer’s thumb is just the common name, but it’s really Tenosynovitis resulting from an over-use of your thumb. Another name is: DeQuervains Synovitis.

It physically looks like thickening of the tendon-sheaths around the thumb and in bad cases it very often requires surgery if not treated correctly.

It’s useful to look at the different kinds of gaming, and sources of this injury:

  • Console Gaming (Playstation / Xbox)
  • PC Gaming
  • Mobile Use / Gaming

Console gaming is obviously the worst – because the thumbs are clicking buttons and moving joysticks.

PC Gaming involves a keyboard and mouse, and sometimes other equipment like joysticks – but we don’t see a huge amount of this with PC gaming.

Finally, the mobile phone usage that people clock up every day is simply staggering, and this is another source of the injury. It has also been referred to as “Texter’s Thumb”.

Sore Thumb and hand
Thumb Pain Explained

How To Heal Thumb Pain

So now we know what causes it, what can we do? These are the options.

  1. Stop playing (Not going to happen ☺)
  2. Pain Medication
  3. Anti Inflammatory
  4. Steroid / Pain-killing injections
  5. Surgery
  6. Rehabilitation Exercises

We have advised our client to go down the exercise and rehab route. Not interested in a quick fix and having to stop playing again… check out the Gamers Thumb Pain Kit below – this could be the solution to your problems going forward!

Gamer's Thumb Rehab Information Booklet
Gamer's Thumb - Information Booklet
Girl showing her hands and wrists for pain therapy
Carpal Tunnel - Information Booklet

Frequently Asked Questions:

What Is De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis?

It’s Gamer’s Thumb – where two tendons at the top of your thumb become inflamed and painful. It’s primarily an over-use injury, but can also be caused by trauma in some cases. It’s best treated initially with Cold Therapy and Rest, and once the pain has subsided, it can benefit from a program of Massage, Movement, Stretch and Strength Exercises.

What Is The Cheapest Thumb Brace?

The cheapest is not necessarily the best. With a Thumb Brace you are looking for one that supports the thumb, and largely restricts its movement. The best ones contain velcro straps so you can make sure it fits snugly over your thumb and hand.

What Is The Difference Between Carpal Tunnel And Gamer's Thumb?

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a problem with the median nerve in your wrist – swelling, inflammation or pressure on the median nerve can cause pain to radiate down into your hand.

Gamer’s Thumb is a problem with the two tendons at the back of your thumb – injury and inflammation of these tendons causes pain in your thumb and hand.

Does Gamer's Thumb Require Surgery?

The vast majority of Gamer’s Thumb cases do not require surgery, and and can be fixed with a combination of rest, bracing and rehab activities, such as:

  • Heat Therapy
  • Massage
  • Movement
  • Stretch Exercises
  • Strength Exercises
  • Cold Therapy
How To Diagnose Gamer's Thumb

There is a quick 10-second test for Gamer’s Thumb:

  • Put your arm out straight, with the thumb pointing upwards
  • Close your fingers around your thumb – make a fist
  • Move your fist downwards (like you are casting a fishing rod)

If you feel pain along the top of your thumb, this can mean you have Gamer’s Thumb.

Pack for gamer's thumb pain treatment
Gamer’s Thumb Kit
£ 59.99
  • EUR: € 69.99
  • USD: $ 79.99
Injury or pain in the hand or wrist rehab pack
Carpal Tunnel (Wrist) Pain Kit
£ 59.99
  • EUR: € 69.99
  • USD: $ 79.99
Beautiful posture for young people experiencing pain
Posture Kit
£ 59.99
  • EUR: € 69.99
  • USD: $ 79.99