Get The Injury Advice

Everyone gets some kind of an injury over the course of their life. Usually they get advice from a parent or a sports trainer – and it usually involves a trip to the local Chiropractor or Physical Therapist.

This is still good advice, but it can become very expensive, very fast – as the number of visits to the treatment rooms mount up.

There IS a different way!

Follow A Pain Free Lifestyle

This is what you are aiming for. Where your entire lifestyle is geared towards becoming pain free.

The daily or weekly exercise and stretching routines seem hard at the beginning, but over time they get easier – and you really start to see results.

If you feel the pain of injury every day, you should work to replace this with the joy of movement every day.

Get The Kit

Here’s How It Works:

How to manage your own injury using a self-help kit
Back Pain Remedy Pack
Back Pain Kit
£ 59.99
  • EUR: € 69.99
  • USD: $ 79.99
Neck pain from work or your job treatment
Neck Pain Kit
£ 59.99
  • EUR: € 69.99
  • USD: $ 79.99

Save Money

Cost effective rehab for your injury

Frequently Asked Questions

Is It Dangerous To Work On Your Own Injury?

We advice everyone to get a professional opinion and diagnosis of their injury. Then you can discuss the contents of your Pain Kit with your therapist and they can include/exclude whatever they deem is appropriate for your particular injury.

How Can I Prevent An Injury Recurring?

After getting advice from your medical professional, usually a structured routine of therapy is what keeps the pain away. You have to keep working on it. Each Kit is based on the following steps:

  • Heat Therapy
  • Massage
  • Movement
  • Stretching
  • Strengthening
  • Cold Therapy
  • Support Brace
Should I Go To A Chiropractor Or A Physiotherapist?

Obviously since we are Chiropractors we would recommend that – but Physiotherapy is equally as good. What’s important is that you seek professional help before embarking on any course of treatment. Once you know what you are doing, you can re-use the Kit to keep your injury under control.

Am I Tool Old To Work On My Injury?

If you are older, you may have more limited mobility or strength – and have to take things easier. However, the Kit is designed to increase both your range of movement and your strength, over weeks, months and even years – so physical exercise is good for people of all ages!