What Is Fibromyalgia?

Even defining Fibromyalgia can be difficult, never mind diagnosing and treating it.

Primarily, it can include a group of symptoms that include general pain in the body, and musculo-skeletal stiffness. Secondly, from these symptoms there are other issues such as localised pain, difficulty sleeping (and the corresponding tiredness).

The tricky thing is that if an area of the body is experiencing pain, it won’t necessarily show that it’s inflamed or damaged. The sensation of pain still comes from the area, but some people believe that it’s because of an over-active pain sense in the body. 

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Fibromyalgia Symptoms

  • The Pain experienced is often worse after rest, or in the morning
  • The extreme tiredness is a killer
  • Mental / Cognitive Problems where you can’t focus or concentrate
  • Poor Sleep Patterns
  • Sometimes digestive issues, stomach pain or intestine issues, and even diarrohea

Causes Of Fibromyalgia

The best doctors and scientists in the world have still not managed to nail the cause of this illness definitively yet. Anecdotally, as I said above, it could possibly be caused by an overactive pain sense. Curiously, people with Fibromyalgia often have experienced a previous illness or contracted a virus so could this be the issue? Or they could be suffering a kind of Rheumatoid Arthritis, Previous Injury and even some mental health or stress issues. It’s complex!

Fibromyalgia information booklet outlining pain relief techniques
Fibromyalgia - Information Booklet

Risk Factors

Finally, the statistics say that your risk is higher if you are female, and much more so if you have a family history of the disease, suggesting a genetic component.

Generally speaking, people with inflammatory health issues (such as arthritis) are also more likely to develop fibromyalgia, so make sure you are focusing on reducing your own inflammation.

Some of the ways this can be achieved would be through:

  • Diet Plans
  • Exercise Plans
  • Sleep Plans

… all of which we provide you with in our Pain Kit!

Frequently Asked Questions

What Are Common Symptoms Of Fibromyalgia?
  1. General pain in multiple areas of the body – or aches.
  2. Tiredness and Fatigue
  3. Cognitive Issues
  4. Other “System” Issues Such As Digestive Or Bowel Problems
Can I Improve Fibromyalgia?

You certainly can improve the symptoms of Fibromyalgia. Many patients have reported relief using Heat Therapies, along with Movement & Stretching Exercises. Each Fibromyalgia patient needs to consult with a medical professional and find the best solution that works for them.

What Is A Test For Fibromyalgia?

A trained medical professional can evaluate your own particular issues and diagnose Fibromyalgia where applicable. A potential indicator would be a chronic, generalised pain coupled with fatigue and general exhaustion, but if course, only a doctor can fully determine this condition.

Does Heat Therapy Work For Fibromyalgia?

Anecdotally, many Fibromyalgia sufferers have said they benefit from Heat Therapy. It can often sooth the affected areas and increase blood flow which helps the body to heal. Once you are diagnosed, you can try some light heat therapy to see if that works for you!