Neck Pain In Women

In most recent studies scientists found that women are more likely to suffer pain than men and that 70% of people who suffer chronic or persistent pain are women. Not only do women feel greater pain than men but experience pain for longer periods and more areas of their body.

The reason for this is not known.

Pain is experienced differently in women than men. In certain conditions women report pain more frequently

For Example: Migraine, Neck Pain, Low Back Pain and Fibromyalgia these are statistically more common in women than men!

70% of people with chronic pain are women - why is this?
Neck Pain Explained

Pain Experience Theories

There are no shortage of theories to explain this phenomenon:

  • Hormones
  • Nerves
    • Women have a greater number of nerves per square centimeter of their body so more nerves relate to more pain
  • Social and psychological processing of pain
    • Women tend to concentrate on the emotional side of pain more than men
    • Emotions and stress increase the symptoms of pain
  • Reporting
    • Men are less willing to report pain than women

Delving Into Neck Pain

The most common causes of neck pain include:

  • muscle strain
  • joint dysfunction
  • arthritis
  • degenerative disc disease
  • disc herniation
  • poor posture
  • stress and trauma

Another common reason for developing neck pain is cervical disc disease. Symptoms include:

New Studies Of Neck Pain

Two new studies by the AAPM of which 3,337 patients presented to a pain clinic over a two year period found 61% were women and 39% were men.

When they looked specifically at cervical disc disease(133) they found women were 1.38 times more likely to have cervical disc disease than men.

So gender does play a role in cervical disc disease and the pain levels associated with it.

This is one example of why women are more prone to neck pathologies and the associated pain more so than men.

Neck Pain Rehab Instruction & Understanding Booklet
Neck Pain - Information Booklet

Neck Pain Solutions

Either way if you suffer neck pain there is lots you can do. It doesn’t matter how you developed your neck pain, be it an injury, too much time at the computer, arthritis or disc disease you need a plan to improve your symptoms and reduce your pain.

Home exercises are a must. Learn to move , stretch and strengthen your neck joints and muscles for long term relief. Self management with exercises, diet and sleep plans help reduce pain, stress and anxiety.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Do I Get Neck Pain At My Desk?

You are most likely sitting in an awkward position – with bad posture. It’s fine to stoop or lean forward for a short while, but for prolonged periods this equates to sitting in a stress position, and it can cause significant neck pain (and back pain too). Have you had your eyes tested? Maybe you’re leaning forward to see the screen?

Does Arthritis Cause Neck Pain?

Yes, Osteoarthritis can cause neck pain. The joints of the neck are very complex, and can suffer from Osteoarthritis. If your general perception of pain in the neck area has increased over recent time you should get it checked out by a medical professional, as it could be caused by Arthritis.

What Is Menstrual Neck Pain?

Neck pain during menstruation may be coming from the underlying joints of the neck, shoulder and even back. The menstrual cycle can increase the sensation of all pain, generally, so it can feel much worse during this time.

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