
Real Cases: Knee Replacement At 46

The following is a transcript of a story from a male patient in one of our clinics - about how his terrible knee pain progressed ultimately to requiring a knee replacement, at the age of 46. In This Article: The Story Of A Knee Replacement Osteoarthritis Diagnosis MRI Scan For...

Will Sleeping More Help My Pain?

Anybody who has ever suffered any type of pain will always find sleeping difficult and struggle to get adequate rest. Disturbed sleep can make it more difficult for your body to heal. In This Article: Solving Sleep Problems How Pain Signals To The Brain Poor Sleep Causes More Pain And...

How A Chiropractor Solves His Neck Pain!

  The following is my own story of Neck Pain, after I had a bad fall outside my home. It details the arduous journey I had to go on - even though I'm a Chiropractor! In This Article: A Simple Accident Started My Neck Problems Delayed Pain From A Serious...

Knee Arthritis – Keep Moving!

Modern science and doctor recommendation is overturning an old definition of Osteoarthritis and how to treat it. In This Article: Let's Start With An Old Definition Of Osteoarthritis This Old Definition Of Knee Arthritis Is Wrong What Causes My Knee To Hurt? Does Exercise Make Knee Pain Worse? Should I...

Plantar Fasciitis And Heel Spurs

If you leave Plantar Fasciitis untreated, you run the risk of developing heel-spurs over time. It's best to get this painful condition sorted ASAP. In This Article: What Triggers Plantar Fasciitis? The Most Obvious Symptoms Of Plantar Fasciitis Foot Pain Cascades Throughout The Leg And Hips Heel Spurs Can Be...

Best Beauty Treatment: Good Posture

They say "Beauty Is Only Skin Deep" - but that's certainly not true. Beauty involves your entire body! If improve your posture, you can improve your looks, and it's 100% free and easy! In This Article: What's The Most Popular Beauty Treatment? Why Good Posture Makes You More Beautiful 1....

Neck and Spine Therapy At Your Desk

Sale! Neck Pain Kit € 99.99 € 89.00 Buy Now! Learn how to reduce Neck Pain and Back Pain whilst working from home sitting for long periods at the desk In This Article: Fastest Neck Pain Relief In The Office Step 1: How To Set Up Your Desk - Ergonomically Step 2:...

Driving Posture, and Neck Pain

When it comes to neck pain that builds up slowly over time, having bad posture is usually involved. This is why it's important to focus on your posture throughout your daily routine - not just for one part of your day! In This Article: Most Common Cause Of Neck Pain...

Treating Two Main Types Of Back Pain

In This Article: What Is Back Pain, Really? How Common Is Back Pain? What's The Difference Between Acute and Chronic / Persistent Back Pain? Acute Low Back Pain Symptoms Acute Back Pain Causes Have You Strained Or Sprained Your Back? A Positive Mindset Helps Relieve Back Pain Chronic / Persistent...

Effectively Treating Fibromyalgia

After two decades in clinical practice across three clinics, we still find fibromyalgia a difficult condition to treat and get real long term relief for our patients. Consistency is key, and we believe My Pain Kit can help with Fibromyalgia...In This Article: What Is Fibromyalgia Fibromyalgia Symptoms Why is Fibromyalgia...

Osteoarthritis – Let’s Change The Narrative

There are a lot of misconceptions about Arthritis and Osteoarthritis that we are trying to address. In This Article: What's The Difference Between Arthritis And Osteoarthritis? Is Osteoarthritis Incurable? The Challenge Of Treating Osteoarthritis Bio-Psycho-Social Factors Of Arthritis Remember, When Treating Osteoarthritis Let's Change The Narrative Frequently Asked Questions Additional...

Why Do Desk Jobs Cause Back Pain?

Our Back Pain and Neck Pain is getting worse as our daily use of computers / screens keeps us glued to our desks. In This Article: How Bad Is Your Sedentary Lifestyle Prolonged Sitting Causes Problems How Do We Avoid Back Pain From Sitting? What Are Movement Exercises? What Are...

Which is better for pain? Stretching or Strengthening?

Which is better for pain? Stretching or Strength Exercises?   At different stages of your injury and rehabilitation, stretching and strengthening are important. Stretching Or Strengthening - The Eternal Debate Treatment For Injuries & Strains What Does Stretching Do? Benefits Of Stretching Benefits Of Strength And Conditioning Strengthen Muscles To...

Why Should I Stretch To Avoid Pain?

What role does stretching play in Physiotherapy Treatment & Recovery? Can it help with pain-relief? It certainly can! In This Article: Does Stretching Help Injury Recovery? The Six Pillars Of My Pain Kit Improve Poor Posture Every Body Should Stretch Signs You Need To Stretch More Frequently Asked Questions Additional...

Knee Arthritis – is there any cure?

If you have been suffering with Knee Arthritis and Pain for a long time, it can seem hopeless. Let's explore what's happening and work out how to get rid of it. In This Article: What Are Signs Of Knee Arthritis? What Factors Cause Knee Arthritis? What Treating Arthritis Is Really...

Is Online Gaming Causing Thumb Pain?

There's a new injury on the block - called "Gamer's Thumb". It's affecting millions of people worldwide, and with the new era of Professional Gaming, a lot of money can depend on it! In This Article: How Many Gamers Are There? Too Many Hours Of Gaming Causes Gamer's Thumb What...

Why do I have back pain?

This is a question posed by one of our patients in the clinic who experiences periodic Back Pain. Let's try to answer his question. A Typical Back Pain Patient Looking For A Cure Searching For A Back Pain Fix Massage Therapy To Manage Pain My Pain Kit - Methodology Frequently...

Real Cases: Golfer’s Elbow

You don't need to be a golfer to develop Golfer's Elbow - so let's take a look at one of the challenge one of our patients had to overcome his pain. In This Article: Suffering From Golfer's Elbow What Is Golfer's Elbow How To Treat Golfer's Elbow Frequently Asked Questions...

Treat Pain with Cold or Heat?

Using Heath Therapy, or Cold Therapy is done at different stages of a typical rehab programme. Learn when it's best to use each. In This Article: Heat Therapy Or Cold Therapy? Cold Therapy For Pain Treatment Heat Therapy For Pain Treatment Which Order? Use Both Treatments... Frequently Asked Questions Further...

Walking Is Helpful For Most Pain

Movement is not only beneficial but essential for proper recovery, once it's done in the correct manner. Walking is probably the easiest form of movement we can do. In This Article: Exercise Doesn't Have To Hurt Benefits Of Walking Walking Is Good For Your Head Too! "The Top 6 Inches"...