Introducing Our Back Pain Kit

According to the Global Burden of Disease study, lower back pain is the leading cause of disability worldwide, affecting about 540 million people at any given time. In this post we look inside our Back Pain Kit which contains all the tools and instructions you need to start your recovery...

Waking Up With Neck Pain (Locked or Wry Neck)

If you sleep badly, in an awkward position, you can sometimes wake up with a creak in your neck. This is known as Wry Neck, or Locked Neck. The good news it can be easily treated using some straightforward exercises, and heat therapy!

What’s In A Pain Kit?

Everything you require for YOUR injury is contained within My Pain Kit. Heat Therapy, Massage, Movement Exercises, Stretches, Strength Exercises and Cold Therapy. We also have Strapping and Support Braces in each Kit.

Are Massage Guns Worth Buying?

Massage guns are popular - but do they really give you the REHAB that you need to fix your injury? We break down the reality and effectiveness of buying a Massage Gun. Are they worth the money, or is there a better way to recover?

Does Office Work Cause Neck & Back Pain?

People often think that their lifestyle is the cause of their chronic pain conditions - but is this true? Can your Office Job be the root cause of your Neck Pain and/or Back Pain?In This Article: The Root Cause Of Neck & Back Pain What Can Help Neck & Back...

Back Pain and Weight Loss

If you suffer from Low Back Pain and Neck Pain you will know how frustrating it can be. But what you may not know is the link between back and neck pain and your weight.In This Article:What Happens If You Are Overweight?3 Reasons Why Weight Gain Causes PainWeight Bearing Joint...

Drug Free Pain Relief Can Be Yours

Dealing with a chronic painful condition is difficult - that's why you are here, searching for a solution. We are here to tell you that obtaining Pain Relief without drugs IS possible!In This Article: How Do You Relieve Pain? Daily Routines Helping Pain Recovery Benefits Of Walking How Much Exercise...

Neck and Spine Therapy At Your Desk

Sale! Neck Pain Kit € 99.99 € 89.00 Buy Now! Learn how to reduce Neck Pain and Back Pain whilst working from home sitting for long periods at the desk In This Article: Fastest Neck Pain Relief In The Office Step 1: How To Set Up Your Desk - Ergonomically Step 2:...

Driving Posture, and Neck Pain

When it comes to neck pain that builds up slowly over time, having bad posture is usually involved. This is why it's important to focus on your posture throughout your daily routine - not just for one part of your day! In This Article: Most Common Cause Of Neck Pain...